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​​​​Celtic Healing was born to re-ignite old spiritual traditions of the lands we walk on.

 To support men to activate their inner warrior

 Regain focus, clarity and passion for life.


Are you truly ready to do the work and take what I have to offer and transmute it to create real change.

for yourself and the world?

Perhaps you have suffered wounds as a result of your past experiences and you feel that you are taking one step forwards and two steps back.

I know that you truly desire a life filled with love, connection and joy.

You long to yield and be supported by divine feminine energy, allowing you to embody your divine masculinity.


Together we will explore what is holding you back from being the best version of you, the person you know you are inside. 

The men who choose to walk this path with me will be spiritual warriors, Knights, if you will.

You know that you are here to make a difference. To play your part in creating a more beautiful world for yourself, your loved ones and future generations.


In exchange for your support, I will give you one session per month, for as long as you need me.

A session may be an hour, an afternoon or several days.

 What we explore will look different for each of you and I will draw upon the whole range of tools and wisdom that has really helped me on my path.



​​​​In Return for our Sessions together I ask for;


Your Support 

Your Commitment

Your Respect, Honour and Devotion


You can show your Support by financial donation.


You can show your Support by donating your time and skills to help me to build and grow my vision.


You can show your Support by offering me something I deeply desire.


You may choose a mixture of all these, or something else even more wonderful.


What is more important is that you feel a connection to me and a deep knowing that we can support each other towards fulfilling our deepest desires. You may not know what that looks like right now, and that's ok, there is space and time for it to evolve. ​​​​​



Tune in and listen to your intuition and offer what you feel called to, even if it doesn't make sense to you yet.


“In the arms of love, knights were transformed, lifted onto a higher plane of existence where they could achieve great deeds, both physically and spiritually.”

Source Unknown ~ Taken from

Magic Happens when People Come Together

What I am proposing may sound radical. It is indeed a paradigm bending shift away from the way people live in mainstream society. But who wants to be mainstream anyway? If you are reading this you are likely to be forging your own path towards a future lived close to nature, doing what you love and in a world filled with deep loving connection.


This is certainly what I desire. And with this project I have decided to bring it into reality right here in the world we live in, sandwiched between the stories of separation and interbeing.


This is a radical shift. And it just might change the world but the change starts with us.


I believe we can bring about real change in ourselves and the world by healing the wounds of the past, sharing our gifts and supporting each other to grow.



These are some of the tools and practices that we may explore together.

Sessions will be fluid, co-created and intuitively guided, and may include a mixture of different elements. 


1. Spiritual Osmosis.
A process by which proximity to the sacred will itself provide answers.

2. There are no fixed Rules,
 or rather, the Rules and the Truths you find will be personal to you.

3. Truth is found from Your own Experiences
and Your Interpretation of these.

Taken from ~ The Shamanic Way of the Bee ~ Simon Buxton Describing Bridge's approach.


I was at a very low place within my life, always questioning is this all there is to life, feeling very used and unappreciated and to be honest just not happy and a massive loss of confidence. 


I felt as though a spiritual session may help lift my spirits and perhaps boost my happiness with touch and understanding from another human. Just having someone to listen without judgement, I found all that and more with the help of Holly. 


I’ve currently only had 1 session with Holly, but have since walked with my head held very high and a swag about myself. No longer am I looking at the floor when talking to people I’m looking them dead in the eye with respect and a strong self belief. 


I’m currently working on a record label something I’d have never had the confidence to pursue before my session I’ve put a offer in on a rural property in the highlands something I’d have never felt ready to do before seeing Holly. 


Holly I thank you for your help and bringing me out of my shell to a place I haven’t been since a teen. Now it’s time to grab life by the balls and put my mark on life. 


Will be seeing you again very soon Holly. 

Dan - 2024

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I cannot explain to you how I feel at this time ,there are just no words to justify this session but I will try.

You are such an amazing person that has made me feel like a man again.

My heart is full of love, so much so I probably have too much to go around,
And this is all down to you, as the song goes " you know me so well", I will try to carry on with how I feel by getting rid of any/all negativity in my life .
Whether I'm successful or not remains to be seen, I am a stronger person since our sessions and I will use that to my advantage in making decisions.

I must tell you that no one, and I mean no one has ever made me feel like you have, may it continue to be so...


Maybe it's my time to rise from the ashes and shine like a beacon to a passing ship that's sailing into dangerous waters .

William - January 2025

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Embark On A Quest

I am Recruiting up to 12 Knights to work with from January 2025 onwards.

 Applications are open until all positions are filled, after which time you will go on a waiting list for when a place becomes available.


I currently have a home base in Congleton, Cheshire, where I can offer therapy sessions from home or on the surrounding lands.

I envision becoming more nomadic in 2025 and moving where the Knights take me. If my location is not currently accessible to you do not let that stop you from applying.

Leave it to the universe to find a way.


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